Keys To Fulfilling Your Potential


Has God made promises to you? Have you been told of potentials you have? Do you have dreams, desires, visions and aspirations you want to fulfil in your life?

However, you are facing numerous challenges to these dreams, desires, visions and aspirations. Time is going and you seem to be nowhere near them. The promises God made to you seem unrealisable.

Mark 10:46-52 tells us the story of a man named Bartimaeus, in a similar situation. Bartimaeus had desires and hopes in life but these looked totally impossible in the light of physical limitation beyond his control. He was blind. But when he attempted to escape his limitations and launch out, other challenges surfaced. He was shouted down (possible destiny truncators). Who are you where others are speaking You are a nobody. You lack the pedigree. You are not qualified. You are disadvantaged; and so on.

What were his reactions? Take note that in life, it is your reactions to events and circumstances that determine the power of such event and circumstances on you. You have the power to chat the course of your life. The Lord said in Psalms 82:6 that “I said, You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High.”

  1. He ignored the voice of doubters and distractors.
  2. He ignored the voice of the enemies.
  3. He did not allow himself to be distracted or hindered.
  4. He ignored all negative suggestions and advises.
  5. He focused on God who he recognised as his helper and hope (Colossians 1:27 – “…which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory”).
  6. He focused his attention on what he wanted in life so much so that when Jesus asked him what he wanted in Mark 10:51, he had his focus on the one thing and not a barrage of wants.
  7. He took action of faith on what he heard (James 2:26 – “…so faith without works is dead also”).
  8. He had faith in God’s capacity to answer and act in his favour.
  9. He believed that all limitations in his life are artificial in God’s eyes.
  10. So, he never looked at these limitations of life but focussed on God’s unlimited capacity. In view of his faith in God’s faithfulness to one day answer his call and prayers, he always positions himself daily without fail at his redeemer’s way (Job 19:25 – “For I know that my Redeemer lives…”).
In all the above qualities, know that you must have a relationship with this redeemer to be able to redeem you and make you fulfil your potential. Bartimaeus and Jesus are both Jews. Citizen of same country. Therefore, are you related to Jesus? Have you given your life to Him? You need to be born again. Call on Him today to redeem and establish a relationship with Him so He can empower you to fulfil your potential.


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