Are You on Your Own?
Acts 13:3 tells us of how
Christians ought to arrange their steps prior to setting out on any
assignments, projects, businesses, work or callings even by God Himself. We see
how the Christians fasted and prayed before setting out. This is because they
recognised that without The Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit empowerment, victory
and success in their endeavour will certainly not be achieved. Our Lord Jesus
emphasised this in John 15:5 that without Him, we can do nothing. Absolutely
nothing. But the Lord promised us in John 16:13-15 that the Holy Spirit will be
sent to guide us in all truth.
is truth of not the spiritual only, but of the entire activities of man in this
world. All truth. From experience, we all know that setting
out on anything on our own is fraught with so many uncertainties and dangers.
But when we learn to depend and trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we
escape these dangers and uncertainties thus leading to fruitful effort with
ease. Yes, with ease.
my numerous business endeavours, I have had serious challenges and failures
because I trusted in economics and economic indices, expert advice, knowledge,
and experience. But when I wait on God, not all that glitter is goal. I succeed
without any stress and without falling into worldly enticement of corrupt practices.
This has been made clearer in 1 Tim 6:9 (But people who want to get rich
keep toppling into temptation and are trapped by many stupid and harmful
desires that plunge them into destruction and ruin) and Proverbs 28:20 (...But
he who makes haste to be rich will not go unpunished).
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