What is your Wealth Worth?

Do you know or realise that nothing you have can add any real and eternal value to you? Do you even know everything you claim to have does not really belong to you? John 3:27 - "A person can receive only what God gives him from heaven". Indeed, cars, houses, jewels, and various conveniences of this life are good but that is as far as they do not constitute an impediment to the end goal of your life.

As a business man, it is certainly a bad business to sacrifice eternal life of joy and riches unimaginable for a mere 100 years in this life. No matter how wonderful that 100 years might be, it does not sound good and business like to trade that for eternal suffering.

Isaiah 2:19 shows and depicts to us how at the end of time, people will use their same hands to discard all that they have laboured, killed and lied to acquire when faced with eternal judgement. This emphasizes the worthlessness and uselessness of these worldly acquisitions and values. The Lord gave us an example in Hebrew 12:2. He endured the suffering of the cross and despised the shame associated with standing right with God because of the eternal joy waiting for him in heaven. We all have that same opportunity.

What have you sacrificed for heaven’s sake? Have you compromised your love and obedience to your saviour, Jesus Christ, because of power, money, connections, and other various comfort of this world? You need to retrace your steps urgently. What about those of us that have neither given nor submitted our lives to the Lord Jesus because of this comfort or because we do not want people to cast us aside?

I encourage you to ask for forgiveness irrespective of your past and the Lord is willing to wipe your slate clean and start all over again with you. Isaiah 43:25 - "I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, And I will not remember your sins".

Certainly, we saw in Isaiah 2:19 that nothing is worth your life. Your life is more valuable and you need to love your life as much as God loves your life.

Let this love that God has for your life shine through your life. Hand your life over to Him and see and experience the wonderful transformation the Lord Jesus will do and make life worth living, full of peace, victory, love and success, that last a life time.


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