Way of the righteous

Are you righteous? What makes a person righteous? Man has always strived to be righteous. To attain this, we strive to be religious; strive to be good; strive to do right; etc.
However, man is inherently evil from the womb. You do not need to teach a child to be selfish, to lie, or to do anything bad. You have to teach a child how to be good. (A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother. - Proverbs 29:15) That is why the Lord Jesus said no one is good except God.

So, are we doomed? In fact, we are. That is where love comes in. God's love for man is so totally awesome that He was compelled by love to redeem us from doom. However, sin cannot be cleansed by any other men's but by shedding of blood. And since only a righteous blood can redeem man from doom, blood of animals cannot as animals are lower than humans.

God had to send His only son, Jesus, to die and shed his blood to pay for man's sin and redeem man. Afterwards, all a man needs to do become righteous is to accept this sacrifice into his life and submit himself to this provision. This effort is a function of belief. Believe this sacrifice is for you and believe that his death and sacrifice has cleansed you from sin and then hand yourself over to him to guide your life in his love. It is written, he became sin that we might become the righteousness of God. In summary, he exchanged position with us and died so we can live.

No man can be righteous except by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

After obtaining this righteousness, what is required of us? To sustain this gift of righteousness, our love for Jesus and his work compels us to return his love.

The way of righteousness or the way of the righteous is as follows:
  1. Uprightness. Just God does, we must weight our every thought and actions against the word of God as stated in the scripture to make sure of does not go against the word of God, the instructions and path of the just.
  2. Our way of judgement must be the way of God's. We must wait on God and his word to guide us to judge our way of life.
  3. All our desires must be to glorify the name of the Lord.
  4. All our desires must be to remember and to remind men of God in the life of man.
  5. Our way is to seek God in holy and righteous living.
  6. To make righteousness our watchword so that the world through us will learn the righteousness of God.

My friend, God loves you beyond your imagination and His desire is to see you attain the highest which only His love can make happen.


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