
Showing posts from December, 2017

Who Do You Really Seek?

Why are you doing what you are doing? Is it for the financial reward or for the love of it? Reward is the opium or energy that propels us to desire or go for or engage in any activity. What are you doing? What is your expected reward? Is it instant reward you are after or time tested reward? For every endeavour, there is a fundamental reward we are all after with a subset of broken down or auxiliary reward. Whatever the reward that drives us in all our endeavours, it is known throughtout the ages that fleeting or instant reward is fraught with high risk and certainly not lasting. However, a time-tested reward outlook is or will be borne out of patience which is a product of proven series of experience. This type of reward is surely more lasting and could actually last across generations. When it comes to spirituality, at most and with a long stretch of improved medicine and imagination, we spend 100 years. After that eternity will be spent where? It is good common sense to seek r...

Who do you belong to and why that matters?

What have we that we were not given? What have you that you were not given? 1 Cor 4:7 - "For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive?... " This is really a true saying. Do you have any part to play in your existence? Did you have any part to play at deciding your gender - male or female? Job 2:10 says "For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being." (NLT) Since non of us have, why do we still behave as if we own and control everything including our own very lives. We ought to fully internalise this and realise this and allow the Lord to guide and direct our lives, our likes and dislikes, our emotions, our temperament, our hopes and aspirations and how we go about achieving these hopes and aspirations. We all have these aspirations in life but let the God that put these aspirations there guide and direct its actualisation. For, for His pleasure alone should we exist and live....

Temple – Whose are you?

Temple – Whose are you? Do you have any idea how you came about apart from the fact that you are a product of a man and a woman’s seed? Why are you a man or woman? You simply just know you are you. As a result, what gives you the power to now decide you are not fit for this or that? What gives you power to decide that you weren’t supposed to be you but another’s? We know that as long as it was not your decision to manufacture a product, you have no part to play in what to use it for or how to use the product. You simply use it for its purpose and follow its manual on how to use it. The product will only serve you well when you use it according to its manual. Same with man. For no other foundation can any man lay except that has been laid already which is Christ Jesus. Man, whether you know it or not, whether you agree or not, God made you – Gen 1:27 – “ So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them ”. The creator of heav...