Key to Successful Living

Key to Successful Living
It's key to acquire knowledge. It's a good key to put the knowledge into use, and it's better key to put it into use rightly and at the right time.

How will we know the right time? We have depended on experience coupled with knowledge acquired to be able to judge when the time is right. We have also depended on advice to judge the right time. While all these parameters are good, at the end of the day and after so many successes, failures, joy at being right, sadness when at failure, I finally discovered the secret to knowing how to make use of the knowledge and knowing the right timing.

I have spent over 25 years on what I call trial and experimentation. Man's life is too short to be spent on experimentation. The worse part is that we spend the time we had the dynamic strength and energy on experimentation and the latter time of subdued strength to realise the lost and try to catch up. 

To avoid that waste of time, we need to have early insight to the right application of knowledge. We need access to man's user manual. This manual, like any other, is the usage manual for man.

The manual details what knowledge is right or wrong, and how to make effective use of the knowledge. The manual specifically details how to access it's author and access it's appointed teacher anytime we need clarification. The manual also details the address of the customer desk we can call anytime and every time.

Obedience, in fact, FULL obedience to the instructions contained in the manual is very key to our survival, victorious living, discovery and fulfillment of our life purpose. The instructions contained therein helps us live life peacefully and in full. I found out in my life and also in others that, had we discovered and obeyed this early enough, many heartaches we face today would have been avoided.

Remember, I said victorious living earlier. That's connotes battles won. Exactly my meaning.  Obedience and full obedience to its instructions does not mean a challenge-free life but that whatever the challenges we face, they become stepping stones to greater successes. We are never perturbed by the challenges because full  obedience to the manual gives us peace of mind. Never perturbed because we know that when our obedience is full, faithful is He that has promised. We are absolutely sure that God has the power to do what he has promised (NIRV). We are absolutely certain that whatever promise He is bound by He is able also to make it good (WNT). In real life experience, your friends and family gets flustered by your lack of agitation and anxiety over whatever life challenge you face. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - "God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right. By using Scripture, a man of God can be completely prepared to do every good thing." (NIRV)


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