Every Word of God is Pure

What is Word?
  • This is speech. Word is a narration. What people say. It is a tool by which the inward thought 💭 is expressed.
  • In relation to mind, it is the reasoning power of man - Hebrew 4:12
  • In respect to person, it is the embodiment of a man's expression of his thought.
As humans, everyone of our actions can be expressed in words as well as in other forms like paintings, drawings, etc. Words can be expressed in various formats like poetry, music, etc.

A man's action or life therefore is taken by what is expressed in words. As previously said, a man's thought and reasoning and beliefs and actions are exposed in word. The creative act of a man is activated through words. An item or a being is named through the expression of man by his spoken word. The world and everything within it was created with the word of God - the Genesis 1:1-25.

This means that word can be used for good and bad. What you say can either serve food or bad to oneself and/or others. Because man is already sold under sin (Rom 7:14), it is just impossible for man's word and ultimately is actions to be good - Rom 7:15-24; Matt 19:17; Mk 10:18; Lk 18:19; Rom 3:12.

It can now be seen that no one has good word in him except by God's through His spirit since only God is good, only God is pure - Prov 30:5a. Because His Word is pure, His word always brings good to mankind.

The ultimate expression of the purity and goodness of His Word was expressed through Jesus Christ. As it is written in John 1:1-5, this pure word of God, at the appointed time became flesh among us in the form of the man Jesus.

This means that if man therefore wants his own word to be good and pure just like God, he needs to imbibe the word of God into his being; this means man needs to assimilate the word of God into his self, into his consciousness.

How can this be done? How can man imbibe or assimilate this good and pure word of God? It is simply by taking the personalisation of this word (Jesus Christ) into his being. How does he do this? JUST BELIEVE. Believe that He alone has the power to clean you and make your word good since it is what comes out of the mouth (word). Then invite him and ask him for that power so that you too can live a good-word-driven life which ultimately inputs all his goodness onto your life. I romantic 10:9-10. Acts 2:21 asks us of this.


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