He is alive; You are Alive
The enemy thought and planned to kill you. But you are alive and you will not die but live to fulfil your purpose in life. Though you walked through the valley of death, you will not die but live to come through to see the light of the day. Thou you are currently passing through various types of abuse, trials, temptations, failures, losses, sicknesses and every type of daunting situations of life. I want to assure you that irrespective of how unfavourable the situations look like right now, the Lord who created you, did not create you for that purpose. He did not create you to die in that situation. He created you for victory, success and fruitfulness. That situation could have come about as result of circumstances beyond your control; it could have been caused by you; it could have been as a result of your decisions in the past or present. The Lord Jesus said Matthew 11:28 without any condition attached that " Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I wi...